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Design of a New X-Band Cryogenic LNA for ESAs Deep Space Network


ESA uses cryogenic LNAs for its deep space telecommunications network  and has decided to upgrade the design of its X-Band cryogenic LNAs with new thermal and RF components to improve performance and long-term reliability.


 Callisto has 15 years experience in designing cryo LNAs for ESA.  Recently, Callisto has investigated new technologies for these systems, such as a cold head sleeve concept which reduces  significantly the maintenance down-time.  We have also studied  solid thermal insulation materials as an alternative to vacuum thermal insulation for  reducing the complexity associated with high vacuum systems.

This new prototype is intended to validate these new technologies in a fully operational configuration.

This project demonstrates Callisto's state-of-the-art knowledge and position as a European leader in developing cryogenically cooled electronics for deep space telecommunications.

For more information on this work  please contact Steve Rawson    , Callisto CEO.